The average ICO composite indicator price for March was 194.78 US cents
US per pound, a decrease of 7.6%, compared to the previous month, which broke the series of
17 consecutive months of increase. In all coffee groups, a reduction was recorded with respect to
to the previous month, and the highest of all was that of Brazil and Other Natural, of 9.4%. The average of the2d and 3rd position of the New York futures market fell 9.4% and passed from 245.38 cents
in February 2022 to 222.44 in March 2022. The arbitrage between the London futures markets
and New York decreased by 12.1%, as it went from 144.81 cents in February to 127.23 cents in
March 2022. This was the eighth consecutive month in which the spread between Colombian Milds
and Other Milds continued to rise and reached 27.33 cents in March 2022.
The intraday volatility of the indicator price increased by 1.3% from February to March 2022, from
7.3% to 8.6%. In October 2021 intraday volatility was 8.3% and peaked at 10.1% in
December 2021, while the month with the least volatility was February 2022. The market for
New York futures helped drive the volatility of the composite indicator price higher,
which increased by 1.4% from February to March 2022 and reached 10.4%. In certified stocks at
end of March 2022 the previous downward trend was reversed and the NYBOT saw an ascent
13.9% compared to February 2022, since it went from 1.08 to 1.23 million 60kg bags. The
certified LIFFE stocks increased by 90,000 bags, or 5.8%, in the same period and passed
from 1.54 to 1.63 million bags.